K9 Kindergarten
Obedience Dog Training &
Underground Dog Fence

Services At K9 Kinderergarten

Can't seem to get your pup back when they get out, have they picked up some bad habits!
We teach both you and your pet in canine behavior so that your home will be a happy one.
We also help with keeping your pet close to home with our underground invisible dog fencing.
David Wilkins IACP Pro Master Trainer has over 30 years experience in
canine behavior with basic and advance obedience training.
What We

Basic & Advance
Obedience Training
* We teach in your pet's
environment and at our facility.
* Our private lessons offer
information with your
concerns in mind.
* One on one sessions with you
and your pet.
* Learn positive training
methods the whole family can
* Vet Recommended
* All breeds young and old.
* Learn how to be the leader in
your pack.
Underground Dog Fence
Are you tired of putting on a leash to take your dog outside to go potty?
Are you afraid that your dog will get out and run away when company comes over?
K9 Kindergarten uses the same technolgy as the brand name systems from Invisible Fence. Our systems are rechargeable and include a one year warranty on parts and limited lifetime warranty on installation.
We will install your underground dog fence and provide three trainings with an IACP Pro Master Trainer during the fence training process.
We are confident that your loved one will stay close to home and safe.. and you will be too!
We service and repair all brands of underground dog fencing including Invisible Fence, DogWatch, Premier, Pet Safe, Sportdog, and more.