K9 Kindergarten
Obedience Dog Training &
Underground Dog Fence

Underground Dog Fence

How Does An Underground Dog Fence Work?
A transmitter is located in your garage or basement that sends an electric dog fence signal through the wire concealed around the edge of your property. The wire sends a signal to a receiver worn on your dog’s collar. The dog fence transmitter features advanced technology that includes visual and audio alarms to warn you if there's a problem. Underground dog fences are the safest electric fences on the market today. Your dog needs to understand the boundaries of your yard. When excited or frightened, their natural reaction is to run in the direction that their head is pointed and that can take them outside of your yard. By reprogramming their instincts, an electric fence can teach them to turn back into the yard, not to run through, freeze, or run parallel with the wire. Most dogs train easily with a small correction from the collar but some are more stubborn than others and need more of a correction. Our goal is to have them remember that the correction is a higher consequence than any temptation, so that when they are off leash they will make the correct decision.
That’s where K9 Kindergarten can help! We can install your fence or even train your dog on an existing system. We have IACP Pro Trainers on staff. What is an IACP trainer? If you have ever watched "The Dog Whisperer", .. he recommends that you call an IACP Pro Trainer to help you with your behavioral needs.
Installation is easy. The wire boundary of your dog fence can be installed in virtually any configuration in your yard....either underground, approximately 1-3 inches deep, or above ground with the use of Sod Staples. Together, we can choose the installation style that will work best for you and your pet. The system allows YOU to choose which areas your dog has access to and can also be used to protect your flower beds, shrubs, trees, and swimming pools.
We can train as many dogs as you like on the same system, as long as each is wearing a receiver collar. By spending just 10 minutes a day working with your dog, they can be fully trained within just a few weeks.
Gives us a call and find out just how affordable it can be to safely contain your canine companions on your property.
K9 Kindergarten LLC
David Wilkins,
IACP Pro Master Trainer
Installation Includes:
¼ Acre 500’ .35mm thick wire. (Average City Lot)
Fencing system
Three Fence Trainings By An IACP Pro Master Trainer
Lighting Protection Standard
Rechargeable Collars, holds a charge for 6-7 weeks
Over 25 Years Of Electrical Experience With A Professional Installation
We Also Offer Extras':
Additional 500’ Wire, Splices, Flags and Installation For $175
Additional Rechargeable Collar For Extra Pets $159.99 Each
Indoor / Outdoor Wireless Zones From $55 to $79 Each Zone
Sales and Repair Of All Fencing Systems 363 Days A Year